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11th Annual 'Corvettes @ The Pier'

George worked the parking like a pro.

SCA Members working the registration tables.

Tom seen work alongside George.

The Pier was finally able to move those darn posts, so we can get even more hot rods parked in that space!

John also did his part to direct the 'Vettes in safely.

Rick was out and about with his camera.

Ted Von Tress (right) working on that shine.

Venice Corvette Club brought 13 to win the 'Club Participation' award.

Good shot.

Taking refuge from the heat of the early morning.

They just kept coming. It was a great day after all.

103 Corvettes registered to help out Isaiah's Inn this holiday season!

Now it's on around The Pier.

Alan & Chelby's C4!

'Hey Pete, the Corvettes are back again this year!'

South side of The Pier.























Bay side of The Pier.




The 'Pier's Choice' was this gorgeous C1.


A look from an angler's angle.

DJ SUPERLou did a fantastic job with the tunes!

Shannon & Mike ...

... making the ...

... award ...

... presentations!
We thank everyone for their suport!