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Pinellas Park Homecoming

A total of 15 of us were able to help support Pinellas Park High this year!


We had was another gorgeous fall evening, this year.


Taking a load off, helps to make the night a little more enjoyable.

Time for an SCA 'huddle-up!'


And here's this year's 2006 Pinellas Park High School's Homecoming Queen ... in Mike's ride!

Steve with his girl.

Shannon escorts her representative around the field.

Tom's with his girl.

Georgia with her representative.

Mike take's her girl around.

Carolyn with her girl.

George and his girl.

Barb seen here with her girl.

Bill is on his way with his girl.

Ron with his girl.

Ernie and his gal.

Joe is on his way with his representative.

Mark take his girl around the field.

And Steve follows up with his girl.

Rick provided these great photos of the event. Thanks Rick!






Barb definitely had a good time.


Nice shot, indeed!