'Vettes at the Light, Ponce Inlet
... yes, it appeared as though we were targets just waiting to be bombed in our parking lot. And fortunately, there were no direct hits!
Dinner at Down the Hatch was eventful.
After dinner, it was time for some gooney golf ...
A fantastic sunset was enjoyed!
Wow, they sure fly low over here!
Relax ... it's not really crashing and on fire.
Another cool place, to be sure. Here's Shannon & Mike's '03.
And here's Bernie & Lucy's ZO6.
Bernie's special spit-shine did the trick ...
... while Mike got ye'ole crew working away on theirs.
Great rides were everywhere.
Fantastic views at the base of the Ponce De Leon Lighthouse ...
... looking up to the top ...
... and out the windows on the way up ...
... until we were all the way there!
Here's what makes it so brilliant.
It was also a beautiful day for sailing ... although we prefer 'Vette shows.
Finally, we see the last steps in our descent.
Just a fabulous piece of history!
After the show it time for some Italian cuisine.
A view from our stay on Daytona Beach.
Gabby sure enjoyed the lunches ...
Here's Daytona International Speedway ... the best we could do were these sloooooow tour vans. Darn it!
... and reflect on the beautiful Daytona sunset!